The logo

At first, we had a “homemade” logo, with online tools anyone can pretend to be a graphic designer. Of course, nothing will ever replace a professional, not even artificial intelligence. Because a graphic designer’s job isn’t just to create a beautiful design. Not everyone has a vision of what a logo or cover should be. The graphic designer knows the codes, what will work, what will appeal, what’s being done today!

We used the 99 designs website, which lets you describe your initial idea, what you want your logo to look like and how it will be used. For us, it was a logo that would represent the publishing house and its editorial line. The site is great, since once the ad has been posted, dozens of graphic designers submit proposals, giving you a wide choice. This can also be confusing, as there comes a time when it’s hard to make up one’s mind. Some are very talented, and it’s not easy to decide between them.

That’s why we’ve set up a poll – which the site allows – to gather your opinions. Initially, we liked the logo with the silhouette of Antinous. But this option was quickly swept aside by the poll – you didn’t like it. You also allowed us to exclude logos with confusing fonts. It’s true that our brand isn’t well known yet, and neither is Antinous as a historical figure.

Several steps followed, as we were able to request modifications from the various graphic designers. In all, we organized three surveys to help us refine our choice. And above all, to allow you to participate, since we consider Antinoüs éditions to be very much your publishing house, you the readers. We want you to feel at home.

In the end, it was Maxence, a graphic designer with some very good ideas, who was selected for the final choice. We had to decide between the different logos he proposed. We certainly stuck to something very classic, but the important thing was that the logo should be readable, classy, and let immediately understand that this is a publishing house.

The colors, the handwriting-like font, the signature touch… It was this logo that, after a month of surveys, modifications and discussions with the graphic designers, was selected to symbolize the publishing house. We hope you like it – it was an important step. It will soon be featured on the cover of our first publication…

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